
. Performing for Charity

Latest Information

Want to find out what's happening at the Society? Keep checking this page for all the up-to-date news and information


Visit the WWPS Facebook Group page

Dates for your diary:

Snow Whyte Build-up dates:
Sunday 27th October 9am-1pm
Sunday 24th November 9am-1pm
Sunday 8th December 9am-1pm
Saturday 28th December 9am-6pm
Sunday 29th December 9am-6pm


Every year we donate our profits to several charities and local good causes.
over the past year we have donated to:

Chartwell Trust
Agoonaree Special Needs Scouts
Bromley Mayor's Charities
Bromley Foodbank
Royal Trinity Hospice
Bromley/Orpington Foodbank

For further details of the above charities and others to which we have donated in the past, please visit this page of our website

Are you interested in raising money for your charity?
Please contact us at
for details of our charity nights.

Archive Photo Gallery

A large number of show programme scans have now been added to the archive pages courtesy of Ken Graves. The collection is complete from 1947 to date apart from 1966 (has anyone got this one?) and 1979, when a printer's strike prevented a programme from being produced.

If anyone would like to submit more pictures we would be very pleased to feature them in the Archive. Please e-mail to archive@westwickhampanto.org

Your committee members are:

Chairman: James Simpson
Secretary: Suzi Sutherland
Business Manager / Treasurer: Paul Graydon
Advertising Manager: David Warsop
Members Manager: Michelle Graydon
Community and Outreach Manager: Vicky Kalber
Production Manager: Victoria Simpson

Hall Fire 2007

Fire Photo Gallery